Chinese Buzzwords 2024 by New Concept Mandarin

Auspicious and smooth character
Auspicious and smooth
character "吉jí" which means good luck and auspiciousness.吉利jí lì means auspicious and smooth.
riches and treasures come into the house Chinese people believe that oranges represent harmony and happiness. In Chinese New Year, people eat oranges to wish for good luck!
riches and treasures come into the house
Chinese people believe that oranges represent harmony and happiness. In Chinese New Year, people eat oranges to wish for good luck!
The Year of the Dragon The Year 2024 is 龙年lóng nián in Chinese lunar calendar. The dragon is the fifth animal in the Chinese zodiac.
The Year of the Dragon
The Year 2024 is 龙年lóng nián in Chinese lunar calendar. The dragon is the fifth animal in the Chinese zodiac.
Good blessings in Dragon Year It represents good luck and happiness.祝大家新年 快乐! 龙年大吉!
Good blessings in Dragon Year
It represents good luck and happiness.祝大家新年 快乐! 龙年大吉!
Riches and Treasures come into the house This character is a compound character called 招财进宝zhāo cái jìn bǎo. It’s a Chinese idiom, which refers to attracting wealth into the house in order to get rich.
Riches and Treasures come into the house
This character is a compound character called 招财进宝zhāo cái jìn bǎo. It’s a Chinese idiom, which refers to attracting wealth into the house in order to get rich.
Get Rich  It is mostly used as a congratulatory phrase during Chinese New Year and festivals or as auspicious blessings.
Get Rich
It is mostly used as a congratulatory phrase during Chinese New Year and festivals or as auspicious blessings.
Be on a Roll / lucky streak 柿 shì is persimmon. In China, it can bring good luck and symbolizes harvest and longevity. 好柿 hǎoshì is a homophone for 好事hǎoshì means good things.
Be on a Roll / lucky streak
柿 shì is persimmon. In China, it can bring good luck and symbolizes harvest and longevity. 好柿 hǎoshì is a homophone for 好事hǎoshì means good things.
Good words with 柿 shì 连连 liánlián means repeatedly or one after another. If someone gives you a persimmon, he/she is wishing you a good luck!
Good words with 柿 shì
连连 liánlián means repeatedly or one after another. If someone gives you a persimmon, he/she is wishing you a good luck!
分离/分梨; separate; be apart 梨lí is a kind of fruit, pear, which is a homophonic of 离lí. 离lí the word means separate or separation in Chinese.
分离/分梨; separate; be apart
梨lí is a kind of fruit, pear, which is a homophonic of 离lí. 离lí the word means separate or separation in Chinese.
永不分梨 never separate 分梨 fēnlí, cut the pear into half, sounds the same as 分离 fēnlí, separation. Sharing a pear cut in half with others sometimes means be apart with somebody in Chinese.
永不分梨 never separate
分梨 fēnlí, cut the pear into half, sounds the same as 分离 fēnlí, separation. Sharing a pear cut in half with others sometimes means be apart with somebody in Chinese.
苹安 / 平安 苹píng is from 苹果 apple. It is a homophony of
苹安 / 平安
苹píng is from 苹果 apple. It is a homophony of "平” symbolizing peace and success. 平安píng ān means safe and sound.
Why people in China give Apple on Christmas Eve? Chinese people see an apple as a symbol of safety and peace. And giving friends and relatives an apple as a present is meant to express wishes of good blessings.
Why people in China give Apple on Christmas Eve?
Chinese people see an apple as a symbol of safety and peace. And giving friends and relatives an apple as a present is meant to express wishes of good blessings.
杨梅吐气; Chinese idiom being proud or self satisfied 杨梅 yáng méi is bayberry, which is a homophonic pronunciation of 扬眉yáng méi, which means raising eyebrows. 吐气tǔqì, aspirated or to blow off steam from mouth.
杨梅吐气; Chinese idiom being proud or self satisfied
杨梅 yáng méi is bayberry, which is a homophonic pronunciation of 扬眉yáng méi, which means raising eyebrows. 吐气tǔqì, aspirated or to blow off steam from mouth.
扬眉吐气; Chinese idiom being proud or self satisfied In Chinese, people raise their brows and breathe out when they feel very proud and self-satisfied. Sometimes it also means a relief or an exaltation upon fulfillment.
扬眉吐气; Chinese idiom being proud or self satisfied
In Chinese, people raise their brows and breathe out when they feel very proud and self-satisfied. Sometimes it also means a relief or an exaltation upon fulfillment.
年糕; Glutinous rice cake 年糕 nián gāo, sticky rice cake, is a lucky food eaten on Chinese New Year's Eve. 糕 gāo, means cake. This word is a homophone of
年糕; Glutinous rice cake
年糕 nián gāo, sticky rice cake, is a lucky food eaten on Chinese New Year's Eve. 糕 gāo, means cake. This word is a homophone of "高 gāo" means high or tall.
年糕,年糕,年年高升; get better year after year 年糕 nián gāo sounds the same as 年高, means getting higher year on year. That’s why in Chinese New Year children should eat more 年糕 wishing group up quickly and healthily.
年糕,年糕,年年高升; get better year after year
年糕 nián gāo sounds the same as 年高, means getting higher year on year. That’s why in Chinese New Year children should eat more 年糕 wishing group up quickly and healthily.
真不错; really not bad/really good So 针不戳zhē bu chuō becomes popular among young people to expeess 真不错zhēn bù cuò, means not bad.
真不错; really not bad/really good
So 针不戳zhē bu chuō becomes popular among young people to expeess 真不错zhēn bù cuò, means not bad.
针不戳; really not bad/really good 真不戳 zhēn bù chuō this comes from the famous anchor Qiezi. When he traveled to the mountains, he took a video. In the video he said: zhēn bù chuō, zhù zài shān lǐ zhēn bù chuō. He wanted to say it’s good to live in the mountains. However, his Mandarin is not very standard.
针不戳; really not bad/really good
真不戳 zhēn bù chuō this comes from the famous anchor Qiezi. When he traveled to the mountains, he took a video. In the video he said: zhēn bù chuō, zhù zài shān lǐ zhēn bù chuō. He wanted to say it’s good to live in the mountains. However, his Mandarin is not very standard.
泰酷辣; It's so cool! “泰酷辣 tài kù là” is a homophone for“太酷啦tài kù la”, means so cool or awesome. This word comes from a misheard phrase and became a viral sensation.
泰酷辣; It's so cool!
“泰酷辣 tài kù là” is a homophone for“太酷啦tài kù la”, means so cool or awesome. This word comes from a misheard phrase and became a viral sensation.
太酷啦; It's so cool! Now people use “泰酷辣tài kù là” to express the same meaning of “太酷啦” as So Cool.
太酷啦; It's so cool!
Now people use “泰酷辣tài kù là” to express the same meaning of “太酷啦” as So Cool.
蕉绿; anxious 蕉 jiāo is from the word 香蕉 xiāngjiāo, means Banana; 绿 lǜ is from the word 绿色 lǜsè means Green; When someone’s face turns green, he must be very stressful and worried.
蕉绿; anxious
蕉 jiāo is from the word 香蕉 xiāngjiāo, means Banana; 绿 lǜ is from the word 绿色 lǜsè means Green; When someone’s face turns green, he must be very stressful and worried.
焦虑; anxiety “蕉绿“ is a homophone for “焦虑”. They have the same pronunciation and both means anxious.
焦虑; anxiety
“蕉绿“ is a homophone for “焦虑”. They have the same pronunciation and both means anxious.
甩锅 shuǎi guō Shirk responsibility. 甩 shuǎi : to throw away, 锅 guō : cooking pot. This word refers to the scenario where a person or group shirks their responsibility or finds a scapegoat for their own mistakes.
甩锅 shuǎi guō Shirk responsibility. 甩 shuǎi : to throw away, 锅 guō : cooking pot. This word refers to the scenario where a person or group shirks their responsibility or finds a scapegoat for their own mistakes.
盲盒  máng hé. 盲máng: blind, 盒 hé: box. Blind boxes usually contain the collectible mini figures of animation, film works, or mini dolls designed by designers alone. The buyer doesn’t know what they're getting until they open the boxes.
盲盒 máng hé. 盲máng: blind, 盒 hé: box. Blind boxes usually contain the collectible mini figures of animation, film works, or mini dolls designed by designers alone. The buyer doesn’t know what they're getting until they open the boxes.
气氛组 qì fēn zǔ. lit. atmosphere group. 气氛组 qì fēn zǔ describes vibe builders or people who warm up and develop a good atmosphere at a party or other social gathering.
气氛组 qì fēn zǔ. lit. atmosphere group. 气氛组 qì fēn zǔ describes vibe builders or people who warm up and develop a good atmosphere at a party or other social gathering.
摆烂 bǎi làn. lit. Put rotten. 摆烂 bǎi làn  means to become weak voluntarily, useless, not to strive and unprofitable, especially when knowing that one can't succeed. Example: 不要在工作上摆烂。Bùyào zài gōngzuò shàng bǎi làn. Don't mess around at work.
摆烂 bǎi làn. lit. Put rotten. 摆烂 bǎi làn means to become weak voluntarily, useless, not to strive and unprofitable, especially when knowing that one can't succeed. Example: 不要在工作上摆烂。Bùyào zài gōngzuò shàng bǎi làn. Don't mess around at work.
人设 rén shè, public persona. 人 rén:person 设 shè:setting. The phrase “public persona” refers to the personality that a person presents in public and they are known for by most people.  Some people might have a public persona that is the polar opposite to who they really are.
人设 rén shè, public persona. 人 rén:person 设 shè:setting. The phrase “public persona” refers to the personality that a person presents in public and they are known for by most people. Some people might have a public persona that is the polar opposite to who they really are.
社恐 shè kǒng, Social phobia .社 shè:social, 恐 kǒng:fear. 社交恐惧症 shèjiāo kǒngjù zhèng Social anxiety disorder is commonly shortened to 社恐. In Chinese context, abbr 社恐 is more commonly used as an excuse for people who want to avoid social gathering.
社恐 shè kǒng, Social phobia .社 shè:social, 恐 kǒng:fear. 社交恐惧症 shèjiāo kǒngjù zhèng Social anxiety disorder is commonly shortened to 社恐. In Chinese context, abbr 社恐 is more commonly used as an excuse for people who want to avoid social gathering.
破防pò fáng. lit. break through the defensive line. be emotionally overwhelmed. Originally from the gaming world, pòfáng 破防 has gradually become a metaphor to express people's emotions when they they are shocked, touched by something, or even moved to tears.
破防pò fáng. lit. break through the defensive line. be emotionally overwhelmed. Originally from the gaming world, pòfáng 破防 has gradually become a metaphor to express people's emotions when they they are shocked, touched by something, or even moved to tears.
扎心 zhā xīn  sad/heartbreak. 扎zhā: to stab/prick; 心xīn: heart. The term means
扎心 zhā xīn sad/heartbreak. 扎zhā: to stab/prick; 心xīn: heart. The term means "upsetting" or "evoking strong feelings" when an unfavorable fact is pointed out. People usually say that when they get hurt by someone's comments.
爽文 shuǎng wén. n. fantasy novel; 爽 shuǎng: feel good ; 文 wén: test, passage
It refers to a kind of online novel with antagonists become endowed with magical power. Readers feel good after reading these novels, therefore giving the genre its nickname.
爽文 shuǎng wén. n. fantasy novel; 爽 shuǎng: feel good ; 文 wén: test, passage It refers to a kind of online novel with antagonists become endowed with magical power. Readers feel good after reading these novels, therefore giving the genre its nickname.
安利 ānlì To recommend (a product etc.). original: Amway. 安利 (ānlì) is originally Chinese name for American company Amway. They are famous for their marketing style and selling strategy. They hire people to sell their products, to persuade others to buy their healthcare products.
安利 ānlì To recommend (a product etc.). original: Amway. 安利 (ānlì) is originally Chinese name for American company Amway. They are famous for their marketing style and selling strategy. They hire people to sell their products, to persuade others to buy their healthcare products.
老铁 lǎo tiě. lit. old iron. Bro/Best Buddy. 老铁(lǎo tiě) means a trustworthy buddy or alternative to 'Bro' in northeastern dialects. It has gained popularity online due to the predominance of northeastern anchors in live streaming, and can be applied to friends of any gender.
老铁 lǎo tiě. lit. old iron. Bro/Best Buddy. 老铁(lǎo tiě) means a trustworthy buddy or alternative to 'Bro' in northeastern dialects. It has gained popularity online due to the predominance of northeastern anchors in live streaming, and can be applied to friends of any gender.
打卡 dǎ kǎ  to check-in popular places/locations. 打 dǎ:to make a mark on 卡 kǎ:checkpoint. Places for you to 打卡 are usually popular photo spots and all over social media.
打卡 dǎ kǎ to check-in popular places/locations. 打 dǎ:to make a mark on 卡 kǎ:checkpoint. Places for you to 打卡 are usually popular photo spots and all over social media.
元宇宙yuán yǔ zhòu Metaverse. 元 yuán representing, meta-; 宇宙 yǔ zhòu universe. Coined in Snow Crash, Neal Stephenson’s 1992 sci-fi novel, the term refers to a convergence of physical, augmented, and virtual reality in a shared online space.
元宇宙yuán yǔ zhòu Metaverse. 元 yuán representing, meta-; 宇宙 yǔ zhòu universe. Coined in Snow Crash, Neal Stephenson’s 1992 sci-fi novel, the term refers to a convergence of physical, augmented, and virtual reality in a shared online space.
XSWL Internet slang acronym. LOL Laugh Out Loud.
XSWL Internet slang acronym. LOL Laugh Out Loud. "笑死我了" (xiào sǐ wǒ le; acronym XSWL) literally means "laughing to death" and is used by speakers to respond to something funny, comparable to LOL in English. The phrase has been viral among netizens, especially the Generation Z, who usually just type "xswl".
The Greatest of All Time. acronym. 永远的神 (yǒngyuǎn de shén; Internet slang acronym YYDS) is similar to the saying GOAT (Greatest of All Time) in English. The phrase is often used by fans to praise their idols or simply to describe something they are fond of. The phrase has been viral among netizens, especially the Generation Z, who usually just type
The Greatest of All Time. acronym. 永远的神 (yǒngyuǎn de shén; Internet slang acronym YYDS) is similar to the saying GOAT (Greatest of All Time) in English. The phrase is often used by fans to praise their idols or simply to describe something they are fond of. The phrase has been viral among netizens, especially the Generation Z, who usually just type "yyds".
神同步 in synch (happens spontaneously). 神 shén: adj. awesome, amazing. 同步 tóngbù: synchronized. 神同步 can be used to describe moments that people's facial expressions, actions appear the same spontaneously without planning.
神同步 in synch (happens spontaneously). 神 shén: adj. awesome, amazing. 同步 tóngbù: synchronized. 神同步 can be used to describe moments that people's facial expressions, actions appear the same spontaneously without planning.
打脸 dǎ liǎn lit. slap in the face. 打: hit, beat 脸: face. 打脸 makes someone feel embarrassed and losing face. It can be used to describe when things turn out to be completely contrary to one’s assumption , especially when one is too confident or reckless to jump into conclusions, and it's immediately proven wrong.
打脸 dǎ liǎn lit. slap in the face. 打: hit, beat 脸: face. 打脸 makes someone feel embarrassed and losing face. It can be used to describe when things turn out to be completely contrary to one’s assumption , especially when one is too confident or reckless to jump into conclusions, and it's immediately proven wrong.
比心 bǐ xīn Finger Heart. (lit) 比 bǐ : to gesture with hands   心 xīn: heart. Pull your thumb over to the index finger and make those finger looks like a heart to show your positive feelings, like love or happiness, to the people you love. Literately, make your fingers look like a heart shape.
比心 bǐ xīn Finger Heart. (lit) 比 bǐ : to gesture with hands 心 xīn: heart. Pull your thumb over to the index finger and make those finger looks like a heart to show your positive feelings, like love or happiness, to the people you love. Literately, make your fingers look like a heart shape.
凉凉 liáng liáng Game's over; hopeless. Lit: cold cold/chilly. 凉凉 liáng liáng is originally from the name of a Chinese song
凉凉 liáng liáng Game's over; hopeless. Lit: cold cold/chilly. 凉凉 liáng liáng is originally from the name of a Chinese song "Bracing the Chill "as ending theme of the Chinese drama "Eternal Love". Here it means that there is no hope for something or that someone is done for.
宝藏男孩 bǎozàng nánhái Talented Young Man lit. Treasure Boy: The term is originally used by fans to describe idols they like or dislike, can have different meanings depending on the context. The term is later used on a young man because he has many undiscovered talents or unexplained rumors, always surprises people.
宝藏男孩 bǎozàng nánhái Talented Young Man lit. Treasure Boy: The term is originally used by fans to describe idols they like or dislike, can have different meanings depending on the context. The term is later used on a young man because he has many undiscovered talents or unexplained rumors, always surprises people.
摸鱼 mō yú to loaf on the job; cyberslacking lit. to feel fish by hands: 摸鱼mō yú originally refers to the idiom
摸鱼 mō yú to loaf on the job; cyberslacking lit. to feel fish by hands: 摸鱼mō yú originally refers to the idiom "浑水摸鱼 hún shuǐ mō yú" to fish in the muddy water. Now, it has a new meaning to describe a status that office workers are cyberslacking or cyberloafing. Specifically, it's about doing something irrelevant to your work during office hours.
凡尔赛 fán'​ěrsài  Versailles
凡尔赛 fán'​ěrsài Versailles "Versailles literature." The term has nothing to do with the French palace nor with literature. It came from the Japanese manga series "The Rose of Versailles" For example, "I have too many houses. How can I decide which one to decorate?" The intention is to show off – usually things of materialistic values, yet one ought to pretend that's not the point.
后浪 hòulàng younger generation lit. rear waves. This buzzword refers to younger generations in a metaphorical way. Just as rear wave of river pushes the front wave, each new generation excels the previous. Generation Z, who once got a bad rap from their elders for being  spoiled. They are becoming an individualistic and dynamic group that will shape the future of China.
后浪 hòulàng younger generation lit. rear waves. This buzzword refers to younger generations in a metaphorical way. Just as rear wave of river pushes the front wave, each new generation excels the previous. Generation Z, who once got a bad rap from their elders for being spoiled. They are becoming an individualistic and dynamic group that will shape the future of China.
躺平 tǎng píng laid-back lit. lying down; lying flat.
躺平 tǎng píng laid-back lit. lying down; lying flat. "Lie down" (躺平) is a new buzzword in China that emphasizes how the younger generation is tired of being pushed to social competition. The idea behind- quit competitive work, not work or not overworking, being content with more attainable achievements.
杠精 gàng jīng n. bicker. Here 杠 is from the Chinese word
杠精 gàng jīng n. bicker. Here 杠 is from the Chinese word "抬杠(táigàng)" which means contradict or talk back. 杠精 describes someone who automatically takes the opposite point-of-view from the person to whom they are speaking. These people just argue for the sake of arguing.
锦鲤 jǐn lǐ n. Lucky guys lit. Koi fish.
锦鲤 jǐn lǐ n. Lucky guys lit. Koi fish. "Koi fish" is a common slang for "lucky guys" on social media. Today, Koi fish still represents good luck for millions of netizens who like forwarding posts featuring koi fish with messages like "your dreams will come true" to wish good luck.
有点二 yǒudiǎn èr : a bit stupid. Chinese people usually avoid the number of 250, because 二百五(250) means simpleton in Beijing dialect. 二 is the short version of 二百五 in some context. It can be used casually between friends, but it's also a bit insulting.
有点二 yǒudiǎn èr : a bit stupid. Chinese people usually avoid the number of 250, because 二百五(250) means simpleton in Beijing dialect. 二 is the short version of 二百五 in some context. It can be used casually between friends, but it's also a bit insulting.
无语 wúyǔ lit.speechless, have nothing to say: generally used when people feel helpless or angry to ridiculous things or don't know what to say.
无语 wúyǔ lit.speechless, have nothing to say: generally used when people feel helpless or angry to ridiculous things or don't know what to say.
官宣 (guān xuān) v./n. officially announce: 官宣 is short for 官方宣布 which literally means
官宣 (guān xuān) v./n. officially announce: 官宣 is short for 官方宣布 which literally means "an official announcement". The abbreviated version 官宣 is often used on the internet for netizens to announce something.
皮一下 (pí yī xià) just wanna be naughty: Literally speaking, 皮 means
皮一下 (pí yī xià) just wanna be naughty: Literally speaking, 皮 means "being naughty" as an adjective in Chinese, which is often used in oral Chinese. 皮一下 indicates making fun of someone or playing a trick, and it sounds a little cute.
脑洞 nǎodòng: Just like some ideas opened your head hole, 脑洞 means in one's brain which is filled by fanciful imagination/ideas. Thus, the bigger one's nǎodòng is, the more imaginative a person is or has to be.
脑洞 nǎodòng: Just like some ideas opened your head hole, 脑洞 means in one's brain which is filled by fanciful imagination/ideas. Thus, the bigger one's nǎodòng is, the more imaginative a person is or has to be.
(yánzhí): the literal meaning is the value of a person's face, but in this instance, we use it to mean the rating of how attractive someone's face is. 颜值高 (yánzhí gāo): pretty, handsome, stunning. Not only for men or women, you can also use it to describe that something looks really pretty. 我买它就是因为颜值高。Wǒ mǎi tā, jiùshì yīnwèi yán zhí gāo. I bought it, because it looks so pretty.
(yánzhí): the literal meaning is the value of a person's face, but in this instance, we use it to mean the rating of how attractive someone's face is. 颜值高 (yánzhí gāo): pretty, handsome, stunning. Not only for men or women, you can also use it to describe that something looks really pretty. 我买它就是因为颜值高。Wǒ mǎi tā, jiùshì yīnwèi yán zhí gāo. I bought it, because it looks so pretty.
Fengkou fēng kǒu 风口 n. wind tunnel; an area or sector where, for a period of time, all investors want to invest in
Many attribute the popularity of the word to Xiaomi founder Lei Jun, who famously said that even a pig can fly if it stands in a wind tunnel. 站在风口上,猪都能飞起来。Zhàn zài fēngkǒu shàng zhū dōu néng fēi qǐlái.
Fengkou fēng kǒu 风口 n. wind tunnel; an area or sector where, for a period of time, all investors want to invest in Many attribute the popularity of the word to Xiaomi founder Lei Jun, who famously said that even a pig can fly if it stands in a wind tunnel. 站在风口上,猪都能飞起来。Zhàn zài fēngkǒu shàng zhū dōu néng fēi qǐlái.
Jitang / jī tāng / 鸡汤 noun. and adj. “chicken soup,” or advice that doesn't solve any problem but makes one feel better jitang information and advice. It tells you what you want to hear in the moment, but doesn't help solve any real problems. Jitang is bite-sized content that tells us all our problems will be solved and everything will be okay, even if we don’t do anything.
Jitang / jī tāng / 鸡汤 noun. and adj. “chicken soup,” or advice that doesn't solve any problem but makes one feel better jitang information and advice. It tells you what you want to hear in the moment, but doesn't help solve any real problems. Jitang is bite-sized content that tells us all our problems will be solved and everything will be okay, even if we don’t do anything.
伸手党 shēnshǒu dǎng free rider: If someone constantly asks for perfectly Google-able information, he/she will be referred as shēnshǒu dǎng 伸手党. Instead of looking things up for themselves, they insists on bothering others by asking them for information.
伸手党 shēnshǒu dǎng free rider: If someone constantly asks for perfectly Google-able information, he/she will be referred as shēnshǒu dǎng 伸手党. Instead of looking things up for themselves, they insists on bothering others by asking them for information.
小透明:people who don't draw attention to themselves and are largely ignored in social situations.
Literally meaning 'little transparent', xiao touming describes those who have been marginalized in our society. They don't like interrupting others or draw attention to themselves.
小透明:people who don't draw attention to themselves and are largely ignored in social situations. Literally meaning 'little transparent', xiao touming describes those who have been marginalized in our society. They don't like interrupting others or draw attention to themselves.
佛系 fó xì Buddha-like, ‘Foxi’ attitude (neologism) Chill about everything Typically used to describe young people who don't buy into aspirational society. Not succumbing to social pressure, worrying too much, bot being too obsessed with a goal.
佛系 fó xì Buddha-like, ‘Foxi’ attitude (neologism) Chill about everything Typically used to describe young people who don't buy into aspirational society. Not succumbing to social pressure, worrying too much, bot being too obsessed with a goal.
Slicing an onion makes the eyes sting. 切洋葱辣眼睛 辣眼睛 original means something irritates your eyes and thus you could not bear seeing it. It also means some internet pictures or scenes that is so disgusting you can’t even look at it.
Slicing an onion makes the eyes sting. 切洋葱辣眼睛 辣眼睛 original means something irritates your eyes and thus you could not bear seeing it. It also means some internet pictures or scenes that is so disgusting you can’t even look at it.
玻璃心 metaphorically refers to a person whose heart is as fragile as glass and is easily hurt by what others say. You can say, 他很玻璃心 Tā hěn bōli xīn. to describe someone who often feel offended and upset by others' words.
玻璃心 metaphorically refers to a person whose heart is as fragile as glass and is easily hurt by what others say. You can say, 他很玻璃心 Tā hěn bōli xīn. to describe someone who often feel offended and upset by others' words.
爱豆 refers to young people's Idol. Chinese character
爱豆 refers to young people's Idol. Chinese character "爱" (love) tell the euphoric feelings of fans towards their idols. This terms used by Chinese netizens to refer to heir idols, often young celebrities form the show business.
To understand 撒狗粮,we need to know another internet slang 单身狗.
To understand 撒狗粮,we need to know another internet slang 单身狗. "单身(dānshēn)" means "single," and "狗(ɡǒu)" means "dog." Normally only a person would nly call himself or herself "dānshēnɡǒu" in a self-deprecating manner. When a couple act lovey dovey in fromt of 单身狗, this is called "sprinkle dog food".
柠檬精 (Níngméng jīng) is a new and popular internet slang in China, and typically is used to describe a person who enjoys criticizing others who appear to be more successful, and happier than oneself.
柠檬精 (Níngméng jīng) is a new and popular internet slang in China, and typically is used to describe a person who enjoys criticizing others who appear to be more successful, and happier than oneself.
吃香 chīxiāng has the same meaning as
吃香 chīxiāng has the same meaning as "受欢迎"(be popular, shòu huānyíng). 香 means fragrance. You can describe a job is 很吃香 because it is in high demand.
吃瓜群众 Chī guā qúnzhòng: onlookers who are interested in the spectacle but don't have anything knowledgeable to say about it.
吃瓜群众 Chī guā qúnzhòng: onlookers who are interested in the spectacle but don't have anything knowledgeable to say about it.
Chi Tu is a common term in China for being so poor you could only afford dirt for meals. This is typically said because one has spent all of their money shopping.
Chi Tu is a common term in China for being so poor you could only afford dirt for meals. This is typically said because one has spent all of their money shopping.
Zhong Cao describes the effect when someone sees something owned by a friend or family member, or an advertisement for a product, and wants it. The effect is like planting a seed in their mind.
Zhong Cao describes the effect when someone sees something owned by a friend or family member, or an advertisement for a product, and wants it. The effect is like planting a seed in their mind.
An online streamer is a person who broadcasts themselves online through a live stream. #chinesebuzzword #livestream #onlinestreaming #mandarinchinese #tiktok #youtubechannels #learnchinese #learnmandarin #newconceptmandarin
An online streamer is a person who broadcasts themselves online through a live stream.
#chinesebuzzword #livestream #onlinestreaming #mandarinchinese #tiktok #youtubechannels #learnchinese #learnmandarin #newconceptmandarin
How to say shopaholic in Mandarin Chinese?  #chinesebuzzword #learnchinese #learnmandarin #shopping #crazyshopping  #shoppingday #buy #newconceptmandarin#chinesebuzzword #shopaholic #onlineshopping #learnchinese #learnmandarin #mandarinchinese #newconceptmandarin
How to say shopaholic in Mandarin Chinese?
#chinesebuzzword #learnchinese #learnmandarin #shopping #crazyshopping #shoppingday #buy #newconceptmandarin#chinesebuzzword #shopaholic #onlineshopping #learnchinese #learnmandarin #mandarinchinese #newconceptmandarin
How to say top trending products in mandarin?  #chinesebuzzword #learnchinese #learnmandarin #shopping #crazyshopping  #shoppingday #buy #newconceptmandarin
How to say top trending products in mandarin?
#chinesebuzzword #learnchinese #learnmandarin #shopping #crazyshopping #shoppingday #buy #newconceptmandarin
How to say top trending products in mandarin? #chinesebuzzword #buzzword #learnlanguage #mandarin #chineselanguage #learnmandarin #shopping #chineselanguage #trendingproducts #learnchinese #newconceptmandarin
How to say top trending products in mandarin?
#chinesebuzzword #buzzword #learnlanguage #mandarin #chineselanguage #learnmandarin #shopping #chineselanguage #trendingproducts #learnchinese #newconceptmandarin
Live-streaming e-commerce in mandarin chinese #Chinesebuzzword  #Mandarinpopularsayings  #livestream  #livestreaming  #zhibodaihuo  #直播带货  #直播带货是什么意思  #LearnMandarinChinese  #NewConceptMandarin  #onlineshopping
Live-streaming e-commerce in mandarin chinese
#Chinesebuzzword #Mandarinpopularsayings #livestream #livestreaming #zhibodaihuo #直播带货 #直播带货是什么意思 #LearnMandarinChinese #NewConceptMandarin #onlineshopping
How to say foodie in mandarin #Chinese buzzword #Mandarin popular sayings #Foodie #Chihuo #吃货 #吃货是什么意思 #Learn Mandarin Chinese #New Concept Mandarin
How to say foodie in mandarin
#Chinese buzzword #Mandarin popular sayings #Foodie #Chihuo #吃货 #吃货是什么意思 #Learn Mandarin Chinese #New Concept Mandarin